Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The "Personal" Element of Myspace

According to a recent TechCrunch article, there are close to 60% more unique visitors on Facebook than there are on Myspace. I think Facebook’s interactive elements – including news feeds, easy-to-use status updates, and multitude of applications – play a significant role in driving more users. While Myspace has introduced similar features, they are clearly still trying to “catch up” with Facebook in this regard.

However, I do think Myspace does a better job with the "personal" element. Users are able to choose their own background and music for their profiles. For me, this is a huge bonus. I am creative by nature, so I enjoy playing around with different layouts and changing my music on a regular basis. Furthermore, Myspace allows the use of HTML and CSS for profile content and design. This is the feature I like the most. As a member of the Myspace community, I want my profile to say something about me. Sure, I have a say in how my Facebook profile looks too, but I don’t have nearly as much control over the look and feel as I do in Myspace. Actually, most Facebook profiles start looking the same after a while.

Finally, although it may seem a little archaic, I actually enjoy Tom’s (the founder) regular updates – even when he writes just to inform his users of glitches in the system. I like the fact that someone from the organization cares enough to communicate with me and keep me informed, on an almost personal level.

There's a fine line between being interactive and being personal, but Myspace does a good job at incorporating both.

1 comment:

cryskwok said...

Good info on myspace. I like the layout of myspace too, but my account with myspace got hacked, so I used facebook for more security. Both are equally effective in keeping in touch with friends and co-workers for updates. Myspace also does add a personal touch with music, fonts, and pictures.