Sunday, July 29, 2007

Movie Quotes From This Weekend

No, you're not hardcore...unless you live hardcore...and the legend of the rent was way hardcore.

All right, so I saw School of Rock in its entirety today. I've seen it in bits and pieces before and knew it was a great movie, but I can now say I truly appreciate it. I actually have a friend who works at the School of Rock in Philly, so that's all the more reason for me to like it. Here are a couple of my fav quotes:

Dewey Finn: Ok, here's the deal. I have a hangover. Who knows what that means?
Frankie: Doesn't that mean you're drunk?
Dewey Finn: No. It means I was drunk yesterday.

Mrs. Lemmons: Would you care to join us, Mr Schneebly
Dewey Finn: Yeah
Mrs. Lemmons: Did I say that correctly? "Schneebly"
Dewey Finn: Actually it's "Schnayblay"

Dewey Finn: God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your humble servants. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In your name we pray, Amen.



Oh, and btw check out The Simpsons movie if you haven't already. Green Day's in it, too! A few of my fav parts:

Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day: "We’ve been playing for three hours now and would like to say a few words about the environment." (The crowd starts booing and pelting them with rubbish)

Cut to funeral at Springfield church. The music the organist is playing: American Idiot (Funeral Version). Hilarious.

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