Sunday, July 29, 2007

To Blog or Not to Blog

To blog or not to blog - that is the question. Well, I've been on Myspace for the past 3 or so years, and have been tempted to use its blog feature - but basically, I thought it was lame and avoided it. So what finally prompted me to post a blog? Well, because I do have a lot of random and humorous thoughts which I feel like sharing every now and then. And I can't share funny videos and pics and stuff without actually posting them somewhere. Oh, and I'm getting off my addiction to Myspace (slowly, but surely), so I needed another outlet.

So, regarding the name of my blog - it just so happens that "pinkbunny," "pink-bunny," "pinkcow," and "pink-cow" were ALL taken. Yeah, I know - bummer. And considering I just bought the domain name "," I wanted to stay with the theme "pink cow." So, alas, was born. :-D

I shall post more a little later.

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