Monday, October 22, 2007

New Poem

Hi guys! I had off today so I wrote a new poem. :-) I loooved the weather today but of course I was busy so I couldn't really do anything. Plus I hear the rest of the week is going to be rainy. Bleh. Anyway, here's "Autumn Magic":

Monday, October 8, 2007

I'm Fozzie Bear!! Awwww

You Are Fozzie Bear

"Wocka! Wocka!"
You're the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.
If only your routine didn't always bomb!
You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Halloween poems from first grade

Five little pumpkins sitting on a gate,
The first one said "Oh my, it's getting late!"
The second one said "I feel witches in the air!"
The third one said "We don't care!"
The fourth one said "Let's run and run and run!"
The fifth one said "Halloween is fun!!"

I learned this poem when I was in first grade..hehe. Mrs. Cable, Chestnut Hill Elementary School in Erie, PA. Ah, memories. Actually, I don't have too many memories, but one of my favorites is that I was teasing this one little boy who was talking about how disgusting kissing girls is. So I didn't kiss him, but I kissed my hand and touched him and he was totally grossed out. I also remember kissing the wall - I have no idea why I was doing that. Anyway, Halloween is almost here and I have yet another poem to share from first grade - this one we used to practice our handwriting (remember that three-lined paper we used to use? :-)):

Ghosts are moaning,
Witches are roaming,
Cats are squeaking;
Me, I'm shrieking!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Harriet's the Woman

I have off today. So what better to do? Watch Youtube videos! After spending the past hour watching like 10 versions of "Harvest Moon" (I think I'll make my own eventually and post it), I started watching videos by The Sundays. I've always loved "Here's Where the Story Ends," but you gotta watch this video! It's a cover of "Wild Horses" (by the Stones) and it's absolutely breathtaking. Check it out:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Sunday, August 26, 2007

My Top Crushes!

Since everyone's making their "top crush" list, I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon and make my own. I couldn't think of too many current crushes, so I listed 6 for now - I made up for it by listing 14 of my crushes from my teens/early 20's. I'm sure you're going to agree with at least a few of my choices (although some are Indian actors you've probably never heard of). Here they are, in order:

Current crushes:
Shah Rukh Khan (Indian actor)
Hayden Christensen (only as Anakin)
Ashton Kutcher
Drake Bell (from Drake and Josh; I know he’s only 21 – give me a break)
David Boreanaz
Tristan from Yu-gi-oh (yes, I know he’s a cartoon character)

Crushes when I was in my teens/early 20’s:
Richard Dean Anderson
David Rasche (from Sledge Hammer)
Von Hayes (Phillies, early 90's)
Matthew Ashford (Jack on Days of Our Lives)
Jason Bateman
Jason Priestley
Harrison Ford
Val Kilmer
Jason Grimsley (Phillies, early 90's)
Rick Astley
Neil Young
Greg Kinnear
Colin Quinn
Michael Damian (from The Young and the Restless and Rock On fame)

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Mah girlz

I don't have anything in particular to post, so I just wanted to make a shoutout to my girls Crystal, Natalie, and Michele. You guys are the best! Thanks for always being there for me - I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends. :-)

Monday, August 6, 2007

OMG This is sooo funny!

For those of you who don't know, I am a MAJOR Anakin Skywalker fan. I think Hayden Christensen is sooo hot in that role. So I was having an Anakin craving and looked up his name on Youtube. Here's what I found - one of the funniest videos I've ever seen:

Friday, August 3, 2007

Curry Cafe Closed

This is a sad day. Noel's and my favorite hangout on Friday nights - Curry Cafe, in Stratford - has been shut down. Sure, a lot of people didn't like it, but I thought it was a nice, cozy place with decent food - not to mention excellent service. And it didn't hurt that it was only like three minutes away. Man, that sucks.

There's going to be another Indian restaurant opening in the same building, but it's not going to be the same. No more watching "Indian Idol" while the waiters bring us papad and automatically know what we want because we're regular customers.

Oh well, life goes on :-)

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

iPod --> iTunes

I now have 781 songs on my iTunes! w00t! Even though most of them are Noel's songs, that's a vast improvement over the 40 something songs I had before - half of which were Halloween tunes. :-) I actually found a way to transfer these tunes directly from my iPod to my iTunes - check it out:

1. Plug in the iPod.
2. If iTunes doesn’t launch automatically, launch it.
3. If the music library on your iPod is not linked to iTunes’ music library (as would be the case when you’re restoring your music library from your iPod to a fresh copy of iTunes installed on a reformatted drive), iTunes will ask if you’d like to sync the contents of the iPod with the contents of the iTunes library. Click Cancel.
4. Select the iPod in iTunes’ Source list and make sure the Summary tab in iTunes 7’s main window is selected.
5. Enable the Manually Manage Music option as well as the Enable Disk Use option.
6. Double-click on the My Computer icon on the Desktop.
7. Locate your iPod in the window that appears and select it.
8. Choose Folder Options from the Tools menu in the My Computer window.
9. Click the View tab in the Folder Options window that appears.
10. Look for the Hidden Files and Folders entry. Below this entry enable the Show Hidden Files and Folders option and click Apply to reveal the hidden files.
11. Dismiss the Folder Options windows by clicking the OK button.
12. Double-click the iPod’s icon in the My Computer window.
13. You’ll discover that several more items now appear in the iPod window. Among them is a folder called iPod_Control.
14. Double-click the iPod_Control folder.
15. Inside the iPod_Control folder you’ll find a variety of folders. The one you care about is the Music folder.
16. Drag the Music folder to your Mac’s Desktop to copy it to your computer. As the name implies, this is where music is stored on the iPod.
17. Once the Music folder is on the Desktop, right-click on the folder, select Properties from the contextual menu, uncheck the Hidden option in the Attributes area of the General tab, and click Apply. In the Confirm Attributes Change window that appears make sure the Apply Changes to This Folder, Subfolders, and Files option is checked and click OK.

The folder and all the items in it are now visible and can be dragged into the iTunes library.

Note that although the music files bear a seemingly incomprehensible four-letter
title (AHLK.m4a, for example) when viewed outside of iTunes, their titles will
appear properly once you’ve brought them into iTunes.

If anyone has any Zep they can give me, PLEASE do. All I have is two tunes. :-/

Long Live Paula!

I have been a Paula Abdul fan every since her song "Straight Up" came out in '88. She is also one of the main reasons I watch American Idol. But until recently, I didn't know she was so a good way...

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Movie Quotes From This Weekend

No, you're not hardcore...unless you live hardcore...and the legend of the rent was way hardcore.

All right, so I saw School of Rock in its entirety today. I've seen it in bits and pieces before and knew it was a great movie, but I can now say I truly appreciate it. I actually have a friend who works at the School of Rock in Philly, so that's all the more reason for me to like it. Here are a couple of my fav quotes:

Dewey Finn: Ok, here's the deal. I have a hangover. Who knows what that means?
Frankie: Doesn't that mean you're drunk?
Dewey Finn: No. It means I was drunk yesterday.

Mrs. Lemmons: Would you care to join us, Mr Schneebly
Dewey Finn: Yeah
Mrs. Lemmons: Did I say that correctly? "Schneebly"
Dewey Finn: Actually it's "Schnayblay"

Dewey Finn: God of Rock, thank you for this chance to kick ass. We are your humble servants. Please give us the power to blow people's minds with our high voltage rock. In your name we pray, Amen.



Oh, and btw check out The Simpsons movie if you haven't already. Green Day's in it, too! A few of my fav parts:

Billie Joe Armstrong from Green Day: "We’ve been playing for three hours now and would like to say a few words about the environment." (The crowd starts booing and pelting them with rubbish)

Cut to funeral at Springfield church. The music the organist is playing: American Idiot (Funeral Version). Hilarious.

To Blog or Not to Blog

To blog or not to blog - that is the question. Well, I've been on Myspace for the past 3 or so years, and have been tempted to use its blog feature - but basically, I thought it was lame and avoided it. So what finally prompted me to post a blog? Well, because I do have a lot of random and humorous thoughts which I feel like sharing every now and then. And I can't share funny videos and pics and stuff without actually posting them somewhere. Oh, and I'm getting off my addiction to Myspace (slowly, but surely), so I needed another outlet.

So, regarding the name of my blog - it just so happens that "pinkbunny," "pink-bunny," "pinkcow," and "pink-cow" were ALL taken. Yeah, I know - bummer. And considering I just bought the domain name "," I wanted to stay with the theme "pink cow." So, alas, was born. :-D

I shall post more a little later.